Garlinge Primary School and Nursery, Westfield Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA
In Terms 1 and 2, Year 2 students embarked on an exciting journey into the world of living things and their habitats. They explored the key characteristics of living organisms and investigated microhabitats around the school grounds. Through these explorations, students discovered how different habitats support the basic needs of various animals and plants. They also delved into the fascinating concept of food chains, learning how living things are interconnected within ecosystems.
Our young scientists have thoroughly enjoyed these hands-on investigations, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder about the natural world!
On Tuesday 27th June a group of eight year 2 children took part in a TELT maths mastery quiz at Holy Trinity and St John's. They competed in teams against children from St Mildred's, Bromstone, Parkside and Holy Trinity and St John's answering a selection of arithmetic and reasoning problems. The children thoroughly enjoyed representing Garlinge demonstrating all our school values, especially teamwork. Both teams scored extremely well with Garlinge team 2 coming join 3rd. Well done to all those children that took part, you did Garlinge proud.
During the last week of term, Santa wrote to year 1 asking for help to get back to his workshop after delivering the presents on Christmas eve. The children had to think of a way to help Santa park his sleigh in the right place. After a scientific discussion, the children worked collaboratively using ice, salt and food colouring, to see how they could change the colour of the ice and snow so that Santa knew where he needed to park his sleigh.
We learnt about 2D and 3D shapes and went for a walk around the school to see what shapes we could find. We recorded the 3D shapes we found on a tally chart.
Year Two children created their own self-portrait, using coloured paper to produce an abstract version of themselves, concentrating on scissor skills.
As part of National Anti-Bullying week the children celebrated ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Tuesday 16th November. On this day we all came to school with our odd socks on and celebrated ‘being different’. During the day we took part in different activities to support our learning about Anti-Bullying week.
As part of Term 2’s history day the Year 2 children learnt about the Titanic. In Maths we discovered who owned the artefacts that had washed up from the Titanic by solving mathematical questions to reveal a letter, once rearranged this spelt a name. In English we played a game to uncover words under an iceberg to then use in sentences to create a passenger’s diary. In the afternoon we created what we would have seen out of a porthole whilst on board the ship. The children were given passenger tickets and learnt nautical directions such as Port, Bow and Stern by playing ‘Captain’s Coming’. We thoroughly enjoyed our day and hope that you enjoy viewing the photos that we took!
Our Year 2 children have been discussing the excitement Bonfire Night brings and their experience of this.
As part of our Circle Time discussions, we have also been learning about the importance of keeping safe during this exciting celebration. Following on from this, we have made posters to explain that there are certain things you should and should not do in order to keep ourselves and others safe. During our art lesson, we also had an amazing time creating our own firework representations by using a variety of media, tools and techniques. We hope you enjoy looking at our work!
Year One have been learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and discussing firework safety. They then created their very own firework display.