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Garlinge Primary and Nursery School - Logo

01843 221877

Garlinge Primary School and Nursery, Westfield Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA

Healthy Schools

Garlinge Primary School and Nursery is currently working towards the Healthy Schools Award. We work hard to promote healthy lifestyles and teach children to make healthy choices in their lives.

The children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are provided with a free snack of fresh fruit or vegetables daily which they are encouraged to eat.  

For children up to the age of five, free milk is provided and for those who are older it can be purchased and provided in school at snack time or break time.  To register, parents need to contact ‘Cool Milk at School’ via their website:

In addition to this, all children have access to fresh water daily.  They are encouraged to drink throughout the day and are supported to understand the benefits of staying hydrated.   

Healthy lifestyles are promoted throughout the school through participation in numerous outdoor pursuits and clubs. 

In line with International Walk to School Month we do our own Walk to School competition where children have a sheet and they have to tick off the birds and creatures that they see on their way to school. Parents and carers are actively encouraged to participate in this scheme to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce pollution and traffic around our school.   

The children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are currently entitled to Universal Free School Meals.  Our school dinners are nutritious and supplement a balanced diet.  Children that do have a packed lunch are encouraged to have healthy items.  Please see some suggestions via these links: 

Healthier Lunchboxes – Change4Life 

Healthier Lunchboxes – Public health