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01843 221877

Garlinge Primary School and Nursery, Westfield Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA




World Book Day

On Thursday 7th March it is World Book Day. This is a day where we will celebrate all that is great about books and reading. Children are encouraged to complete different activities based around their favourite books or characters. There are a whole host of activities and details of competitions which can be found online at
Children may still dress up as their favourite book character on this day, as is our usual practise at Garlinge, and take part in planned activities. On this day in class, children will take part in lessons exploring their favourite books, and characters within them. As a school, we will also be exploring the book ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray and completing activities linked to this story.
In the lead up to World Book Day, we are having a visit from a local author who will work alongside some classes to produce some exciting work linked to reading and stories.
Your child will also be issued with a £1 gift token, which they can exchange at their local book shop for 1 of 10 exclusive, new and completely free World Book Day £1 books. Or if you’d prefer, you can use your book token to get £1 off any full price book instead. These will be issued at the end of the day on World Book Day.
We look forward to another fantastic World Book Day!